Core Law – Minimize the Legal Risk

When:  Mar 20, 2025 from 04:00:00 PM to 07:00:00 PM (ET)
Core Law - Minimize the Legal Risk
Member Pricing: $25
Non-Members: $40
Instructor: Dan Lopez

***This class fulfills the 3hr Law license requirement***

Laws governing real estate are complex and varied. This course provides an advanced look into real estate law beyond the basic sales associates’ course. This course is not designed to make participants legal experts, but rather to help them identify and understand legal issues that arise. The more a licensee knows, the better he or she can work with customers and safeguard them from legal complications. This understanding will also help licensees avoid serious complications and minimize risk for themselves and their brokers. Buying and selling property requires a lot of legal paperwork. Today, more than ever, it’s important to know the laws governing the practice of real estate. Knowledgeable sales associates can minimize their legal risk by disclosing and documenting disclosures, by anticipating buyer’s remorse, by anticipating areas of liability, and by not creating false expectations.

Objectives: After taking this class students will be able to:

•Identify the requirements by law regarding listing agreements.
•Explain the differences between Independent Contractor and Employee status.
•Describe the activities a licensed assistant may
perform and those that an unlicensed assistant may not.
•Demonstrate a working knowledge of the types of property ownership rights and the limitations to those rights.
•Describe the various property ownership types and the concurrent ownership tenancies.
•Identify two benefits provided to owners of principal residences by the Constitutional Homestead in Florida.
•Define and describe the various types of liens on property.
•Demonstrate knowledge of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, its implications and penalties.
•Identify the requirements imposed by the Federal CAN-SPAM Act.
•Describe the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, what it covers, and the disclosures required by the law.
•Explain elements of the Truth in Lending Act.
•Identify the disclosure requirements included in the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992.

1. FREC requires that licensees attend 90% of instructional class time. Physical presence is required
2. CE credit will not be awarded to students who miss more than 15 minutes of instructional time. Please allow adequate commute time. No exceptions.
3. All students MUST sign-in and out to receive CE credit.
4. Electronic note-taking is permitted on silent devices, only. Cell phone use is permitted during designated breaks.

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5421 Diplomat Circle
Orlando, FL 32810