ORRA Around The World

When:  Jun 21, 2024 from 06:00:00 PM to 09:00:00 PM (ET)
 Pack your bags and get your passport ready as ORRA takes you on an unforgettable journey Around the World to indulge in the most delectable food and wine event!

Join us for a high-energy auction, captivating entertainment, and an opportunity to invest in our industry during this event. You'll savor mouth-watering signature dishes and the finest wines from every continent. 

But wait, there's more! VIPs are in for an extra treat with exclusive access to a special lounge area , where you can unwind and enjoy the company of fellow food and wine enthusiasts.

Exclusive VIP Hour: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
General Admission: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

General Admission Fee: $45 each
General Admission Pair: $80
VIP is sold out!

Our Around the World RPAC journey aims to raise awareness for REALTOR® advocacy issues such as property rights, affordable housing, and more. Be part of this meaningful initiative and indulge in a world of flavor, culture, and community.

Auction now LIVE! https://ORRA.givesmart.com

Disclaimer: Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes. Contributions are not a condition of membership in the Association and a member may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Seventy percent of each contribution is provided to the Florida Realtors PAC in Florida to support state and local candidates and state and local issues. The balance is sent to the National Association of REALTORS Political Action Committee and will be charged against your contribution limits prescribed by 52 U.S.C 301106, except when donations are made from corporate funds or are designated cases in which case the balance is provided to the National Association of REALTORS Political Advocacy Fund for use for federal political purpose


1401 Florida Mall Ave
Orlando, FL 32809