Virtual: Creating an Inclusive Customer Experience - Foundational

When:  Apr 30, 2024 from 09:00:00 AM to 12:00:00 PM (ET)
Creating an Inclusive Customer Experience - Foundational
Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Early bird registration Fee: $10 (until April 16, 2024)
Regular Registration Fee: $15
Non-Members: $25
Instructor: Gonzalo Mejia

Location: Zoom Meeting

Discover the Power of Intentionality!
Good intentions alone won't cut it in today's competitive real estate market. Elevate your service and enhance customer experiences and gain a comprehensive understanding of fair housing laws and learn how biases can impact their application. Step confidently into a more inclusive and equitable future for your clients. Join Us on the Journey to Excellence: Take the proactive step towards providing unparalleled service and creating lasting connections with your customers.

-Identify federal laws related to equal protections on housing.
-Recognize risky business practices that could lead to fair housing violations.
-Identify fair housing violations from different real estate scenarios
-Define the concept of unconscious bias and how it can lead to discrimination.
-Identify possible microaggression attitudes.
-Establish goals to expand homeownership opportunities.

1. FREC requires that licensees attend 90% of instructional class time.
2. CE credit will not be awarded to students who miss more than 15 minutes of instructional time. Please allow adequate time to connect and troubleshoot your equipment. No exceptions.
3. All students MUST stay connect for the whole duration of the class to receive CE credit.
4. You must use either a laptop, desktop, or app that requires email login. You may NOT dial or call in. Attendance is recorded by each person’s unique email address. That means two people cannot share one email address.

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