Effective presentation skills are crucial to the success of a REALTOR®! ORRA has established a chapter of Toastmasters International, an organization devoted to confident public speaking.
At Toastmasters, you will:
Improve public speaking skills
Build leadership skills
Attend networking opportunities in a small and supportive environment
Build self-confidence and self-awareness
Practice writing speeches and presenting in a group setting
Gain a competitive advantage in the workplace
Experience unlimited personal growth
Maximize your potential
Visit orlandorealtors.org/toastmasters or
Please email for more information, ORRALeadersinCommunication@gmail.com
ORRA's Toastmasters Chapter
ORRA’s chapter, "Leaders In Communication,” meets every Wednesday in the ORRA Boardroom from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. All welcome!
Zoom Meeting ID: 874 1989 6849
Password: Tuesday
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87419896849?pwd=TGlHOGpKQi9JdFNuZndaZ3hGZ2lVdz09