Member Pricing: $25
Non-Members: $40
Instructor: Cynthia DeLuca
Orlando Regional Realtor® Association
5421 Diplomat Circle, Orlando FL 32810
More than 50 million Americans, 18% of our population, have disabilities, and each is a potential customer. By the year 2030, there will be approximately 71.5 million baby boomers over the age of 65. They will be demanding products, services, and environments that meet their age -
related physical needs.
Your Commercial real estate customers need to be made aware of the requirements contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This will enable your customer to use due diligence when choosing a business location. According to the ADA, any business that provides goods or services to the public is considered “public accommodations” and falls under the rules and regulations of the ADA.
The main objective of the ADA is to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities and to fully integrate them into American economic life.
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